Steven May
PhD Research Focus:
Modeling of MonoClonal Antibodies Viscosity Response to Concentration
Steve is originally from Vermont where he ran cross country (very slowly). Most of Steve’s time is spent reading about mathematics, which he loves, or tormenting Jaeger with new math he has learned. He also enjoys D&D and beer. (I think D&D stands for two double IPAs, right?)
Steve is a chemistry doctoral student at the University of New Hampshire with research interests in solid state, polymer, and mathematical chemistry. His favorite areas of mathematics are linear algebra and group theory.
Just in case it wasn't mentioned before, Steve loves mathematics.
Currently, Steve is a vintage 2024F new member of the Tsavalas lab, where his research will focus on the behavior of monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) and their many-body interactions during concentration.
Project 1: The Impact of MonoClonal Antibody Concentration on Aggregation, Viscosity, and Non-Newtonian Rheology
Coming soon